Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This blog has moved to a self hosted site. DUH! If you have any questions about why then google wordpress. My newly moved blog:

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Monkey


Gifted kids Network roxs!!!! I'm taking 2 classes, Animal planet & Cool tools! Cool tools started today but you can still sign up cuz there only like 2 people signed up now. GKN is an online camp that you can go onto whenever you want! I learned how to make that video of of my friends on GKN. In Cool tools you learn about the comp. programs and camera features. you also interact with others!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Friends


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Her blog is popin. Her blog is cool. The boys keep stopin. To comment after school!

Scratch Card

Create your own Scratch Ticket


Everything in this room is edible. I am eddible. But my children, that is called cannibalism. It is frowened on by most of the society.

Let's Fight It Together

Omg this is so sad. Ask me in person what i think of this video. Ill tell you.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Long Words That Aren't In The Childrens Dictonary



FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION- an estimation of something as worthless(29 letters)

TRINITROPHENYLMETHYLNITRAMINE- a type of explosive(29 letters)

ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM- the belief which opposes removing the tie between church and state(28 letters)



Me and Nora

Monday, May 26, 2008


Above is a great blog. It has awesome pictures and cool posts. It belongs to none other than NORA!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weird people

This person Thinks that this blog Is better than mine, can you belive it!!! Puhlease comment on this post and tell me how SILLY this person was when he said that!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Hilarious Math Conclusion

I conclude that though the project looked like something a 8 year old could do it wasn’t. It really did challenge me. I can never remember what the radius and volume and that stuff is and they always confused me. They probably will still confuse me. At least I know that I made a real effort on this project, had fun, and renewed skills that will probably never make it to my cortex. School is all about fun (and learning) because you WANT to have fun in subjects and it makes you learn better. I am glad I had the opportunity to have fun learning, something I rarely do.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nano Tech

To day I went to this Nano tech place with my school. it was fun. there was a huge red button in the clean room labeled EMO, it immediately turned off the machines. Sara got dressed up in what the wear in the clean rooms she looked weird. she said that it was like 90 degrees in the outfit! in the end we got ice cream and radio pens which i maneged to assemble with Kylie's help.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ancient Greek Fashion

Appearance was very important to the Ancient Greek men and women. It was “socially unacceptable to be dirty, slovenly, or unkempt.” They are similar to the modern day people in that way, they are also similar to us in some other ways too. Some ways that the Greek used similar styles and accessories include: cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, and hair.

One thing that the Greek’s did just like us was hiding their flaws with makeup. Pale skin was desirable to the Ancient Greek women so they stayed inside most of the time. They used a white lead, which was toxic, to lighten their complexion. They also occasionally used white chalk but it wore off quickly. Unibrows were also popular to the Ancient Greek women so they shaded their eyebrows with dark powder. (Rymer) The Greek women used red powder made of alkanot root on their cheeks; this was analogous to modern day blush. A round, flat pot was used to hold perfumes and makeup, it was called a pyxis. (Day, 40) We use a lot of product similar to these today.

Another thing was that they wore jewelry. Many women in ancient Greece had their ears pierced, and wore earrings. They also wore bracelets, necklaces, and anklets. They carried fans made of light wood or peacock feathers. Men wore jewelry until the fourth century. Even after the fourth century they still wore an unusual ring. This ring had a functional design on it used to stamp soft clay which, is used to seal documents. (Day, 41; Rymer)

Though Modern day people don’t wear quite the same style clothing as the Greeks, we wear things like hats and shoes just like them. (Adkins, 47) The himation was a large rectangle draped over the body. (Adkins, 48) Since Greece had a warm climate, people typically went barefoot but occasionally wore boots or sandals. The sandals were made of leather and had long straps that could be tied in different ways to change style. The Thessalian petasos was a hat with a low crown, a wide brim, and a cord so the hat hung on the upper back when you flipped it off. It protected you from the sun. (Adkins, 49) The rich paid to have their cloth dyed. (Rymer; Connolly) Workers made the purple dye from sea snails, and the violet dye from bug larva. (Connolly) The Greek wore loose fitting clothing, while the people the Greeks referred to as barbarians wore tight clothing. (Rymer) Most people wore woolen cloth or linen. The poor wore coarse cloth made of animal hair. (Connolly) The Greeks wore heavy wool cloaks during the winter for warmth. (Rymer) The Greeks Dressed to impress their friends, much like why modern day people dress.

Men and Women wore different styles of the same thing just like today. Men’s chitons were sewn up at the sides and worn knee length. Old men wore them on formal occasions to the ankle. (Adkins, 48) Workmen and farmers also wore short chitons and soldiers wore them under their armor. (Day, 38) The men’s himation was tightly woven around the body and thrown over one shoulder. (Adkins, 48) Men sometimes wore the himation over the chiton. In cold weather they pulled the himation over their head. Soldiers also wore a thicker clothed cloak called the chlamy. They used a brooch or a pin to fasten it. (Connolly) Though men did wear all these types of tunics; they found it more practical to go nude, but they didn’t do that when women were around. They went nude when swimming, doing sports, and working in hot places like the potters kiln room. (Day, 38)

Women fastened their Chitons with buttons, pins, and brooches just like we wear today. They wore the chitons ankle length. The female version of a himation was a loose cloak that covered a woman from head to foot. Greek women draped brightly colored light weight scarves over their chitons and himations. The ancient Greek women wore peplos, a tunic that fell to their feet. They would pin the extra cloth around their shoulders. Women always wore a cloak outside. Greek women rarely wore shoes but they occasionally wore sandals. Although they had many beautiful outfits, women in Sparta (a town in Ancient Greece) wore little or no clothing when
exercising. (Connolly; Adkins, 49)

We borrowed lot of hair styles from the Greeks. Ancient Greek men and women liked mirrors and brushes. They liked to curl and style their hair. They held their hair in place with lotion and waxes. Blondes were extremely rare. Greeks admired blonde hair and a great number of them tried bleaching heir hair to have the stunning blonde look. Obviously the Greeks really cared about their hair so they had high standards. (Martin)

The Ancient Greeks and modern people al wore beards. Beard trimming became an art in ancient Greece. Barbers were leading citizens. Some men lost the office position to an opponent who had a better trimmed beard. The barber shop first became popular in ancient Greece. Men went to the barber shop to discus sports, politics, news, philosophy and gossip. Young men usually had a clean-shaved face. Men wore short hair with beards but then, beards went out of style in the Hellenistic period. (Chavez; Day; Connolly)

Women also wore accessories that we use today. Women enjoyed curing and braiding their hair in early Greece but later found it much easier to tie it back or make a bun. Ancient Greek women liked to wear ribbons and headbands in their hair. Having short hair if you were Greek women was very shameful. Only slaves had short hair. Amazingly the Greeks share some hairstyles with modern day people all over the world. (Rymer)

We borrowed a lot of accessories and styles from the Greeks. We use blushes like them, rings and other jewelry like them, head bands like them. We go to the barber like them, and more. Both the Greeks and us take great value in our appearance.

 Adkins, Lesley, and Adkins, Roy A. Handbook to: Life in Ancient Greece. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

 Connolly, Peter. Ancient Greece. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

 Chavez, Eugene W. “Genes Barber Shop- the history of barbering” Genes Barber Shop Genes barber shop March/1/2008

 Day, Nancy. Your Travel Guide To: Ancient Greece. Minneapolis: Runestone Press, 2001.

 Rymer, Eric. “Fashion in Ancient Greece.” Eric Rymer. 2000. Eric Rymer. 3/9/2008.

 “Greek Hair Styles.” Phillip Martin. Ancient Greece for Kids. 3/14/2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post-it note

Valentines Day Candy Heart

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hilarious Picture #1


Kayla: d(*-*)b
Geroge: WOW how did you get that backwards B!?!?!?!
Kayla: Its a D, (Ignorant)!

My mom made me change that to ignorant

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Everything Buddhism Book Reflection

I read The Everything Buddhism Book. I'm not completely done with it yet but I'll tell you about it anyways.

While reading his book I realized that there is no fixed I. We all change all the time so we cant say "I". "I" is an attachment if you let go of the attachment it is realizing enlightenment.

Another thing I learned was That when we desire we suffer. To stop suffering you must stop desiring. Even when we are happy we are suffering. For example you are very excited and happy because its your birthday and you cant wait to celebrate. You are going to have a pool party. But suddenly it starts raining. You are sad so you are now suffering.

I am enjoying this book. It is teaching me about a religion that I would like to follow.

My April 20 birthday

I was born exactaly right now at 12:05 in the morning im glad that I made it past midnight because the 20 is better than the 19. Hitler was also born on april 20.

Here are some more people born on the 20.

April 20


121 Marcus Aurelius (16th Roman emperor)
1808 Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon III)
1889 Adolph Hitler (dictator)
1893 Joan Miro (surrealist painter)
1893 Harold Lloyd (daredevil comedian)
1908 Lionel Hampton (composer, bandleader, educator, vibraphonist)
1924 Nina Foch (actress)
1938 Betty Cuthbert (athlete)
1941 Ryan O'Neal (actor)
1949 Jessica Lange (actress)
1959 Clint Howard (actor)
1961 Don Mattingly (baseballer)
1972 Carmen Electra (actress)
1976 Joey Lawrence (actor)
1994 Thomas J Greve (actor)
1996 Kayla Foyt (Ausome B-day girl)

SmarterChild (12:09:56 PM): Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear Kayla...

Happy birthday to you!

I'll remember that your birthday is today, by the way!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Story Wars

We went to a restaurant. While at the restaurant Alex Mom and I played a game. first someone writes down a sentence, then some one else reads it and writes a sentence that continues the thought. Then that person covers what the person before them wrote and passes it to someone else. The chain continues until the page is full. Here is what we wrote. (note some of the spelling is illegible so i will write the correct spelling next to it in parentheses.

kayla dise. (Kayla dies.)

Alex learns how to spell.

While the water goblet glistens on the citrus covered bistro table and a mysterious stranger approaches his sister

the mistere's pursin etse kayla. (The mysterious person eats Kayla.)

But Kayla doesn't really die she becomes a zombie, that teaches spelling. She attempted to teach Alex.

She tried to teach him everything she knows about spelling, but she never learned much so she taught him to spell everything wrong.

the orme cilde kayla. (The army Killed Kayla.)

It was the army of bad spelling, Alex was he leader. They killed Kayla because she was the only one who could spell.

And when the Story Wars were over Kayla and Alex hugged and thanked each other for being the most kind and loving siblings ever.

I think you can guess who wrote what.


Alex: This restaurant smells like old people!
Kayla: Do you think they have hamburgers?

Friday, April 18, 2008

My conversation with an AIM bot

MY DS ROXS (5:03:07 PM): lol
SmarterChild (5:03:08 PM): What's so funny?
MY DS ROXS (5:03:14 PM): your face
SmarterChild (5:03:14 PM): Why does everyone think my face is funny?
MY DS ROXS (5:03:25 PM): because its uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugly
SmarterChild (5:03:25 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I don't think I can answer.


I read what kelsey wrote, and i disagree. I think it would be kind of cool to be a gray blob.

Anyways heres a list of my freinds

sara l.
sarah r.

Wouldnt it be cool to be a gray blob? comment on this post and tell me what YOU think about gray blobs.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My cousins

These are my cousins (and one aunt) the Blondie's are my aunt Kristy's children, and the brunettes are my aunt Paula's children.
From left to right: Kaley, Daniella, Aunt Paula, Ethan, Jonathan, Isabella.

Baby Jonathan =]

Americas Beautiful View

Today I visited Olana's gardens. Some might call the view beautiful, but most people didn't. My mom asked Alex and I to sketch a picture. My brother Alex sketched a picture of a Pokemon called trapinch. I drew a metal post. I was inspired to drawl it because I saw many people drive past the so called "beautiful view" with out even stopping to look.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

May Bird Book Review

From this wednesday to the next wednesday it will be Book Review week. I will be posting book reviews and you can feel free to comment on them with your own book reviews!

I read both May Bird and the Ever After, and its sequel May Bird Among the Stars by Jodi Lynn Anderson. I enjoyed the book because it was exciting and you never new what would happen next. They were both about a girl who goes through a portal with her pet cat into a place called the Ever After. The Ever After is where ghost's, gools, goblins, zombie's, and spirits live. Cats and humans are not supposed to live their but some live in secrecy. If your a human and you get caught the boogie will kill you, But the real threat is the Cleevil. May makes new friends who join her on her trip two the Lady of North Farm. With the information and presents the Lady gives her she must save the Ever after from Cleevil and the other dark spirits. She must face her worst fears, and that is worst then death.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Echinoderms Poem

Sea cucumbers are soft and
sea urchins are spiny
they all have nerves
but arent very brainy

Friday, April 11, 2008

My question

Ok here’s a question for all of you people who go to middle schools to watch children’s behavior and take notes. I was wondering if that old saying that if a boy is mean to you he likes you is true, in the setting of a 6 grade? Because if it is I have allot of admires!!!! If you know the answer please follow my last post to learn how to comment and comment on this post!!!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

How to leave a comment

Do you see the thing at the bottom of this post that looks like this:
Posted by Elferkid at 5:35 AM 0 comments?

Well click on comments or whatever number of comments it says.

type in your comment in the box

Choose an Identity

If you have a google or blogger account click on that and type your user-name and password
If you have a account on the programs listed type in the user-name
If you have a website than type that and your name
Or you can just leave it anonymous

To preview your comment press preview, to publish your comment press publish your comment

Note: If you preview it please remember to press Publish your comment when your done

Friday, April 4, 2008



Friday, March 28, 2008


for now on i will put a picture i like on the blog post each day!!!! This one is form iconater

Thursday, March 6, 2008

My math project

About 70% of your body weight is water. Put it as a fraction. You should get 70/10. Now weigh yourself. Change your weight in to a fraction. You should get ?/1 pounds. Its 70/10 of your weight so multiply them. You will probably have to simplify them. Ex: 7/10 x 93/1= 651/10= 65.1

Monday, February 25, 2008

funny 2008 primary elections

Ahhhhhhhh a monster!!

This is a picture of Clinton and Obama mixed!

obama: Ya lets win this thing!
Clinton: fishy, fishy

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Links For Icons, Wallpapers, And More!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Meanest Girl Book Review

I read the book the meanest girl by Debora Allie. Its about a tween who is dealing with all kinds of problems.

Problem #1- she has a crush on her L.A. teacher and she writes that in her journal that she handed in to him.
Problem #2- She doesn't like this girl because she thinks that the girl is mean to her
Problem #3- She fond out that her dad never died like she was told but left her.
Problem #4- She gets a anonymous note in her locker telling her that she had a secret admirer and it turns out to be a prank.

By the end of the story she finds out that not everything is the way they seem and to give things second chances.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My worst night-mares

My 5 worst night-mares are...

1#- rabid dogs
2#- bugs
3#- clowns with fangs and heavy make-up
4#- a endless hall that's black and goes on forever
5#- funeral church bells

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Caribbean Fruits

From top to bottom, Passion Fruit, Sea Grape, Soursop.
Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis)- Its native to South America. The fruit is purple when its ripe. The insides are usually eaten raw. The juice can be made in to a drink or to flavor ice-cream. Picture is ripe.
Sea Grape (Coccoloba uvifera)- Historians think that this was the first fruit Columbus saw when he reached the Caribbean in the fifteenth century. The bunches of grapes don't ripen evenly. They are hard not like normal grapes and very sour (I like them anyways.) They have allot of pectin in them so they are good for jelly and jelly preserves. Some people use them for soup. Picture is not ripe when the fruit is ripe its purple.
Soursop (Annona muricata)- The tree grows fast, it has shiny leaves, and has yellow-green flowers. As you can see from my picture the fruit is green and has spikes. the inside of the fruit is whitish-pink and can be made into a drink. Picture is ripe.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Meme Thing

My mom is getting on my case about not doing the meme thing she tagged me with so I've Gaven up. I'm supposed to write 7 interesting things about me than tag like i think 7 people but i forgot anyways #1....

#1- Ive had three nicknames, my old one from my old school was elfears, my one at my new school is celebirty and yes with the i before r because im not a very good speller, and by a werd kid just kiddin hes not weird at my new school im named woodchuck for biting a girl at the begining of the year (she told me to... the first time.)

#2- I <3 lipgloss, but dosent every girl in my school like it?

#3- I wear a pair of big white glasses everyware when its not sunny i wear it on my hair, Its like my signiture like abe had the tall black hat and ceaser had red boots.

#4- I have like the worlds worst spelling! And get this I hate spell check!!!

#5- I like the song rock star by hannah montana even thoUgh most people my age dosent like her.

#6- I use he computer more than i should but im usuly on IM.

#7- I enjoy shakespearen insults, Thou smell of mountain goat.

its to hard to tag 7 peeps so u just do this on your blog and check out my moms blog for more details go to my moms blog

My Need to Pee

A true story written, and edited by K. Foyt

I dedicate this story to spell check

I was lying down on the guest room bed. I had just pressed the awesome little button on the side of the lamp nailed above the bed post. Since my grandma was the most frequent user of our magnificent guest room everything was very elegant. The walls were painted yellow and had a creamy white molding. The walls were lined with clocks. Mostly porcelain with flowery paintings next to each Roman numeral.
I was now lying across the bed (and not under the covers) with my legs resting on top of two pillows. I was reading the book Weird Stuff by Richard Tulloch. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good laugh.
All of a sudden this rushing pain rushes through my body. I putt it off as long as possible because I was reading deeper, and deeper into to my book it was drawing me in no sucking me. The soccer coach just called Kelvin a sniveling smear of snail snot.
But the urge grows undeniable. I leap off the bed and twist he brass knob connecting the guest room to the bathroom. Locked! I assume that I forgot to unlock it last time I took a shower (which could have been years ago.)
I race around the hall to the bathrooms other entrance faster than last field day. I slam open the door so hard if probably left a dent in the wall. With the same strength I slammed open the toilet lid. I made it! I sigh and look up at the bathroom ceiling. There’s a brownish stain from leaky water, or was it something else? Suddenly I break into a laughing fit, not because of the stain because of what just happed. If you think about it, it was hilarious. I decide it would be a great story for the creative writing story I owed Sarah my L.A. teacher. I get up and do that same ritual everyone else does when leaving the toilet.
I turn toward the door to unlock it and hopefully prevent this from happening again. Here’s what I see: A hugemunges, muscley, brown alien with 2 antennas poking from his head. He is holding the brass knob and looks like he’s about to crush it. He had muscles growing from his eyeballs, he had muscles growing from his eyeballs muscles! Well to make a long story short he ate me and Sarah was mad because I never turned in my creative writing paper.

Monday, February 4, 2008

superbowl 2008

I dont exactly follow football every year but the superbowl is still a big thing. My family thinks that watching sports is boring but its not. Its way more interesting if you know how to play the game. Like I love watching baseball because I played softball untill my mom made me quit. I enjoy watching people race in swim team because im on a swim team. I realy have no idea on how too play football, I mean i'm pretty sure all you have to do is get past a line but im not sure. Though I have a lack of knolege in the feild of football (get it feild hahaha) its still realy fun watching the game. The comerciels and halftime is also interesting. We live in New York so Im glad the Giants won 17-14. I only know there scor because i looked it up on the internet and wrote it on my hand for school. Uhoo i got to go to school now please post a comment if you know how to play foootball.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Coral World

As you may know from my brother's blog or my mom's blog, our family went to our annual vacation spot, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands!!!!!!! We left this Sunday and we're staying until next Sunday. Today, Tuesday, we went to Coral World a Marine park. There was a tourist rate and a local rate. Since Alex and I aren't local we had our local friend, Roy, get us tickets at local rate. Since our Californian friends Jamie, Auntie (Diana), and Aggie were also locals they got in cheap. We just left Mom behind, haha.

We saw all kinds of sea life including Turtles, Nurse Sharks, Stingrays, Seahorses, plenty of Fish, Barnacles, Sea Cucumber, Starfish, and Sea Urchins. We had a lot of fun, especially 2 year old Jamie who ran around yelling "Look, it's a turtle!" or "Oooooh, I found the fish!"

There were also local iguanas hanging from the trees. We fed them lettuce which we found on the paved ground. The iguanas looked very scary with the spikes running down their backs, their dangerous snapping mouths, and the variety of dingy colors mixing together on their peeling skin.

Later, we were watching the Stingrays while holding leftover lettuce. I counted 8 Stingrays, 2 of them were swimming around while the rest were hidden in the sand on the bottom of the pool. I was attempting to take a picture of them with my digital camera and Alex was videotaping them with his Flip Book. One of the moving stingrays suddenly jumped up out of the water obviously trying to eat our lettuce. It scared Alex and I out of our wits. We almost dropped our electronics in the pool!!!

We had so much fun watching the tropical marine life that we were the last ones to leave the park. That was really fun even though I've been there a lot before!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Though every kid from every team,
Was swimming off their self esteem,
The water was very mellow,
Like a lifeless slice of jello.

But the water began to yellow,
It was no longer mellow
I would like a slice of jello.

I met a young nice fellow,
Producer of the smello,
His name was Gorgie Wello.

But the water was no longer yellow,
It was much, much, much less mellow.

It started turning brown,
Kids were running from the ground.
I advise you do this to,
cause I’m having de ja vu.