Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My blog family

We have a blog family well, my dad and grandma dont have them. My moms is for grownups ( boring for my age group. ) My brothers is for 8 year olds but check it out anyways its pretty cool. My blog is for people around 11 year old girls. If you have any requests on topics you want me or my family members than comment on their or my blogs.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Snow Day Rituals

So you want a snow day? Follow these rituals and your sure to get one!

1. spoon under pillow and matress.
2. pjs inside out and backwards
3. through a icecube behind you and down the toilet
4. throw icecubes at a tree
5. and throw a paper cup out a window
6. Put a dollar and a picture of Mary under your pillow and if it snows put the money in a poor box
7. Snow dances and chants
8. Hang discoballs from your window
9. put 12 orange index cards on the hood of your car.
10. through three icecubes out your window
11. put a orange in your freezer
12. put a cotton ball under your pillow
13. yell "SNOW DAY" into the freezer

If you know anyothers please coment on this post.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


too much pollution buy bio deasil better for enviroment.